In these unprecedented times, the one thing that has been constant at Cyber Defense Media Group is our growth. More visitors, more platforms like CyberSec Showdown, our new online gameshow and Cyber Defense Webinars, our monthly webinars, as well as more subscribers of CyberDefenseMagazine (we’re way over 100k and heading to 200k opt in infosec pros from CISOs to CIOs to everyone on IT and Networking Staff) with over 5m monthly visitors across our platforms, and growing.
This gives YOU leverage. It gives you an even better way, this year, in 2020 to reach out to your investors, board members, employees, partners and customers with your innovative cybersecurity story.
There’s nothing better than, during tough times, rising above the noise and sharing great news – maybe you are competing on CyberSec Showdown or launching a CyberDefenseWebinar with us or you’ve won a CyberDefenseAward such as Black Unicorn, or Top 100 CISO, or Top 100 Women in Cybersecurity or Top 100 Cybersecurity Startups.
We’ll go out to our growing audience and share your story with them.
We’ll keep the momentum on your story with these and other marketing options we have to offer to help you. Ultimately, building and growing a sales pipeline on cybersecurity should not stop – in fact, it should only get better for you, now that more and more people are leveraging risky cloud services, computers, iot devices and working remotely. They need you now, more than ever. Let’s help your customer outreach in an innovative online way – we’ve been doing it for 8 years and we’re not letting anything slow us down.
For Black Hat USA 2020 we’re even moving our CyberDefenseTV experience to a live LinkedIn platform, followed by much faster post-production hosted videos and podcasts. You’ll get more buzz sitting in our Publisher’s famous HOTSEAT live on LinkedIn in a very high traffic account (Top 3% worldwide, Top 1% of all infosec accounts on the platform).
Won’t you join us? Click here to get started: